Bee hives in cities
After spring in cities/towns, you must have observed new Bee Colonies or Bee hives in cities or society, trees, tall structures, balconies etc. They are forced to come to cities as their hives are getting destroyed by humans in the jungle. In cities also they are not safe. Humans do not like them and immediately ask pesticide companies to kill them. People pay these agencies to make their future dark.
We get a lot of distress calls about bees’ presence and to our happiness, they do not want them to be killed and will do anything to save them. One even told me I will rather die to get bees killed. We are encouraged.
We shall start living with bees. Let us make it a habit of having bees as neighbours. Let us pursue with our neighbour to allow them to stay with us.
Be assured Bees will not attack unless disturbed.
Bees have the right to choose the place for the living.
Please put your remarks to take up with authorities to prohibit & be considered an unlawful act of killing bees by pesticide companies.
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