Bee venom powder is a colorless, acidic liquid. Bees excrete it through their stingers into a target when they feel threatened.
It contains both anti-inflammatory and inflammatory compounds, including enzymes, sugars, minerals, and amino acids.
Melittin — a compound that consists of 26 amino acids — comprises about 50% of the dry weight of the venom and has been shown to have antiviral, antibacterial, and anticancer effects in some studies.
That said, it’s primarily responsible for the pain associated with bee stings.
Honeybee venom powder also contains the peptides, apamin and adolapin. Although they act as toxins, they have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
Additionally, it contains phospholipase A2, an enzyme and major allergen that causes inflammation and cell damage. Nevertheless, according to some research, the enzyme may also have anti-inflammatory and immunoprotective effects.
As you can see, the substances in bee venom have been associated with both positive and negative health effects.
Importantly, while research shows that some compounds in the venom may have beneficial properties, the isolated effects of each component are unknown, as many components have not been well studied.
How Bees Venom Powder is made ?
Firstly, Apis Mellifera(Italian Bee) Worker bees are in good health secondly when an appropriate time for bees are placed on bee venom collector, thus collecting honeybee venom without any way affecting them.
The process of honeybee venom collector is most human without affecting bees. After venom extraction also Bees do their normal work. Their venom is regenerated in the body within 2 to 3 days.
The sting remains in the body of bees after bee venom collection.
26 amino acids — comprise about 50% of the dry weight of the venom and has been shown to have antiviral, antibacterial, and anticancer effects in some studies are contained in Melittin
You can purchase venom products, such as moisturizers, lotions, and lozenges, online or in specialty stores.
Apitherapy is an alternative medicine practice that uses bee products — including their venom — to treat and prevent illnesses, pain, and more.
Although bee venom has recently experienced a surge in popularity, bee sting therapy has been used in traditional medicine practices for thousands of years.
It is used in a number of ways and available in many forms. For example, it’s added to products like extracts, supplements, moisturizers, and serums.
You can purchase bee-venom products, such as moisturizers, lotions, and lozenges, online or in specialty stores.
Meanwhile, bee-venom injections can be administered by healthcare professionals.
Lastly, It is used in live bee acupuncture or bee-sting therapy — a treatment method in which live bees are placed on your skin and a sting is induced.
Product Specifications
Manufacturer: Bee Farms Products, Vadodara
Country of Origin : India
Weight : 01 gm (Net Weight of Product) 200 gm (Gross Weight of Product)
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