National Conclave on Production of Bees Wax

2022-04-08T18:05:30+05:30April 8th, 2022|General|

National Dairy Development Board in collaboration with the National Bee Board organized National Conclave on Production of Bees Wax A National Conclave on “Production of Bees Wax” was organized by National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), Gujarat in collaboration with the National Bee Board (NBB), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare on 30th March, 2022. The

Do you know about Honeybee Products

2022-01-04T21:39:48+05:30January 4th, 2022|General|

Honeybee Products & its benefits Do you know about Honeybee Products & its benefits The bee, feared for its nasty sting, comes as an unwelcome visitor in our gardens and homes. People often scamper away when they see the buzzing insect approach their direction. Beekeeping is the maintenance of honey bee colonies by humans commonly

Bee Propolis benefits in Covid-19

2023-06-14T18:10:47+05:30September 3rd, 2020|General|

Honey products & their benefits in Covid-19 times-Propolis-Part VI Another honey bee product that has tremendous health benefits is Propolis. It is a resin like sticky substance collected from the flower buds and bark of the trees. The bees collect these as glue to seal the holes and gaps in their hive and make the


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