Mode of Pollination in Onions

2022-12-23T23:06:49+05:30December 23rd, 2022|General, News|

Mode of Pollination in Onions Rent A Bee - Pollination of Onions Onion Producers have to produce high-quality onions seeds. The crop is heavily dependent on bee pollinator activity for pollination, onions seed set, and adequate yields. Role Of Hand Pollination Hand pollination is used in most of the setup. It involves high cost and

Mustard Flower Pollination

2022-12-21T16:02:12+05:30December 17th, 2022|General, News|

Mustard Flower pollination One Bee Organic LLP is involved in mustard flower pollination, and Other Crop and Fruit Pollination by Apiculture. Modern scientific methods are employed to achieve seeds of top quality. We also have a backup of Indian scientists and also a Technical backup of the Netherlands organization. we get experts who advise and

Pollination Services to Agro Industries

2022-12-21T16:08:36+05:30December 5th, 2022|General, News|

Rent A Bee-Pollination Services to Agro Industries One Bee Organic LLP (To provide Pollination Services to Agro Industries) is the first Indian company to undertake a scientific pollination process for seeds and improve fruit quality and quantity. Depending on the type of plant/tree/crop we can provide different types of bees (Apis Mellifera, Apis Cerana, Trigona

Organic Farming through Honeybee

2022-12-05T10:38:27+05:30July 23rd, 2022|General|

Organic Farming through Honeybee Organic Farming through Honeybee for Pollination Support to farmer and agriculture Industry Let us forget about honey being provided by bees for human consumption. Honey is not an item, if not available human beings will perish. It is an excellent supplement and has a variety of nutrition’s in it. But wait,

Economic Importance of Honey bees

2022-07-17T22:44:30+05:30July 17th, 2022|General|

Economic Importance of Honey bees Bees are essential for the health of people and the planet. Economic Importance of Honey bees for Honey and other products have medicinal properties, and the role of bees as pollinators makes them vital for food supplies. Bees are significant for many reasons. They have historical importance, contribute to human

Doubling the Farmer’s Income by Honeybee

2022-07-17T22:57:13+05:30July 17th, 2022|General|

Doubling the Farmer's Income By Honey Bees through Pollination Doubling the Farmer's Income by Honeybees for Pollination Support to farmer and agriculture Industry Let us forget about honey being provided by bees for human consumption. Honey is not an item, if not available human beings will perish. It is an excellent supplement and has a variety of

National Conclave on Production of Bees Wax

2022-04-08T18:05:30+05:30April 8th, 2022|General|

National Dairy Development Board in collaboration with the National Bee Board organized National Conclave on Production of Bees Wax A National Conclave on “Production of Bees Wax” was organized by National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), Gujarat in collaboration with the National Bee Board (NBB), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare on 30th March, 2022. The

Do you know about Honeybee Products

2022-01-04T21:39:48+05:30January 4th, 2022|General|

Honeybee Products & its benefits Do you know about Honeybee Products & its benefits The bee, feared for its nasty sting, comes as an unwelcome visitor in our gardens and homes. People often scamper away when they see the buzzing insect approach their direction. Beekeeping is the maintenance of honey bee colonies by humans commonly

Giloy with Honey Benefits

2022-01-01T14:28:07+05:30December 31st, 2021|General|

Giloy honey Benifits Giloy Honey (Giloy with honey benefits) is a strong immunity booster, anti-toxic, antipyretic (that reduces fever), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. This classical medicine is the ultimate answer to all health anomalies. 1: Giloy honey for chronic fever In Ayurveda, two factors cause fever – Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion)

Ashwagandha with honey

2021-12-31T15:03:32+05:30December 31st, 2021|General|

अश्वगंधा और शहद के फायदे: अश्वगंधा के साथ शहद (Ashwagandha with honey) का सेवन करने से मिलते हैं ये 6 फायदे अश्वगंधा जिसे कुछ लोग असगंध के नाम से भी जानते हैं, सेहत के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद औषधि मानी जाती है। आयुर्वेद में अश्वगंधा को बहुत ही फायदेमंद औषधि के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जाता


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