23rd Aug, 2019 we had a tour of Bihar to see the Bee Farming being undertaken by our associates. We landed at Patna around 3 PM (Late flight) & Shambhu our Bee associate was at airport. We immediately left for areas where bee keeping was in progress. Our main aim was to meet all small and big bee keepers in that area and share latest techniques in bee keeping and how to have best honey harvesting thus improving quality and quantity.
During our interaction we emphasised on the honey quality of different flavours & when to extract and how to do packing so that original purity is maintained. The bee keepers were advised to work as a group and place bee hives separately thus collecting different flavoured honey. We also demonstrated that bee keeping products are not limited to honey and wax but there are also other products of high value that can be obtained. Bee Keepers were interested in these ideas & promised to work in a group to obtain high quality products.
We touched areas near Patna namely
- Bhojpur
- Koilwar
- Sandesh
- Dhan Diha
We almost covered road length of 400kms to cover these areas and following orchids were seen
- Jamun
- Shishem
- Lechee
- Nilgiri( Eucalyptus)
The people we met have a vast experience in bee keeping as it is their main profession. We invited them to bring their bee hives to Gujarat for flavours like SOUNF, DRUMSTIC, TIL, ALFAALFA, AJWAIN, FOREST FLAVOURED Honey.
We are planning about 500 bee hives to be deployed in Halol and Jambughoda, desar, savli area in dist Panchmahal & Vadodara, Gujarat.
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